> 防火材料/产品 > 防火建材 > 广州沃哲冰火板A级阻燃装饰板医院工程用板 免费发布信息


2020-10-05 编号:173250602
  • 广州沃哲冰火板,A级阻燃装饰板,医疗抗菌板,深圳冰火板
  • 邱壮彬
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广州沃哲冰火板A级阻燃装饰板医院工程用板 广州沃哲建材科技有限公司研发的冰火板是一种新型室内装饰材料,该产品具有防火、防水、防腐蚀、耐温变、无毛细孔、易清理保养、施工便捷等优点。产品现已进入市场,得到了用户的一致好评,被誉为绿色、低碳、节能、环保的新型饰面板材,替代传统的木质板材、大理石、瓷砖等装饰材料。广泛应用于地下隧道、地铁、医院、市政建设各个领域,适用于住宅、商场、写字楼、宾馆、酒店、娱乐场所、机场等对防火、环保、防潮、防霉防菌要求较高的室内场所装饰。
The ice hot plate developed by Guangzhou Winzone Building Material Technology Co,. Ltd is a new interior decoration material that has the advantages like fireproof, waterproof, corrosion prevention, temperature resistance, hairless and fine hole, easy cleaning and maintenance, convenient construction. The products have been in the market and praised by the users. It is known as the new veneer plate which is green, low carbon, energy saving and environmental friendly, replacing the traditional material such as traditional wood, marble, and tile. It is widely used in various fields such as underground tunnel, metro, hospital, municipal construction, and it’s appropriate for indoor decoration having high requirements of such as fireproofing, environmental friendliness, damp-proofing, mound and fungi proofing, such as residences, shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, hotels, entertainment places, airports, etc.
Features of the base material: products have no asbestos fiber, mainly using cement, quartz sand and other raw materials by stirring, rolling, making base material, fire protection.
绿色环保-----表面色纸及背面平衡纸含浸特殊配方之树脂后,采用全自动生产线,经高温高压特殊生产工艺技术压制而成;板面平整、不变形、无气味、免油漆。图案丰富,满足设计师个性化需求,公司已有木纹、石纹、竹纹、皮纹、拼花的各种纹理 600 多种,任客户选择,表面浮雕肌理、花纹逼真度高,可取代传统的木饰面、大理石、瓷砖等装饰材料。
Environmental friendly: after containing impregnated resin, the surface of color paper and the back balance paper are made by automatic production line, plus high temperature and high pressure special production technology and pressing contain the back balance is special. The surface is flat, non - deformed, odorless, painless, and the patterns are rich enough to satisfy the need of individuation. Now the company has wood, stone, bamboo, leather, parquet and other 600 textures for the customer to choose, and the surface relief pattern texture has high fidelity, which is able to replace the traditional wood veneer, marble, tiles and other decorative materials.
The scope of application area: products are widely used in various fields of urban underground tunnel, subway, airport, station, civil air defense, hospital and municipal construction, and are suitable for indoor decoration of furniture, fire doors, cabinets, houses, hotels, hotels and entertainment places.
The characteristics: Winzone’s ice hot plate surface pattern has wood, stone, bamboo, leather, parquet, etc. The pattern is lifelike, its stereoscopic effect is strong, the surface is wear-resistant, and the pollution resistance is strong. Products high gloss and matte, meanwhile, we are producing edge lines with the same color and the same pattern.
Easy to install: various sizes can be divided according to customer's specifications. After the quadrangle chamfering is dealt by the special process, the texture and color are fined in line with the surface of the plate. The company also provides the installation of profiles and special adhesive, convenient and rapid construction and installation. After construction, it is difficult to distinguish with solid wood and marble, and it is a kind of veneer sheet with high cost performance.
广州沃哲冰火板 A级阻燃装饰板



广州沃哲建材科技有限公 8年

  • 玻镁板,氧化镁板,防火板,冰火板
  • 番禺五洲国际建材中心

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