> 纸包装机械 > 纸袋机 > 三合一牛皮纸塑复合袋纸袋机制袋机 免费发布信息


2022-11-26 编号:311846905
  • 纸袋机,制袋机,高速纸袋机
  • 邱经理
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      Wuxi shenzhien paper bag machine manufacturer. The classification of bag making machine and the setting requirements of bag making process: there are two kinds of bag making machines: the hot bag making machine and the cold cutting bag making machine. Their differences are mainly in the processing method of the last knife, but they are actually one of the bag making machines. The common points are also quite obvious. They are all produced with cylinder materials. Before bag cutting, there will be a heat sealing process and vest bags can be produced. The heat sealing and hot bag making machine needs to heat seal a knife first, and then cut it off. The cut edge is heat sealed, and the made vest bag is more secure. Generally, the supermarket uses the heat sealing and hot vest bag. And the heat sealing cold cutting bag making machine is to heat seal a knife first, then cut with the cold knife, and the cut edge is open. In addition to the production of vest bags, the bag making machine can change the double line sealing knife into the single line sealing knife, and also can be used for the production of flat bags, because its cutting edge is open-ended. In comparison, the hot-air bag making machine is more suitable for the hot-air cutting of plastic fiber and chemical fiber materials. The machine will automatically seal the cut after the hot-air cutting through electric heating.



无锡市神之恩精密机械有 7年

  • 纸袋成型机,纸塑复合袋,纸袋机,制袋机
  • 无锡市锡山区八士文八路检查站东200米

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